How to Make Cave Art For Kids

Unleash your child’s creativity with our guide on making cave art! Explore fun techniques, materials, & tips for a hands-on adventure.

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Discover the fun of how to make cave art with kids! Our guide offers easy steps, materials, and tips to unleash creativity and explore ancient techniques.

how to make cave art

Life in the Great Ice Age

It’s no surprise that my children and I love incorporating hands-on projects into our homeschool. When we started the 2024 school year, we were using Heart of Dakota’s Preparing Hearts for His Glory. One of the first books we studies was Life in the Great Ice Age. It’s an engaging, living book that teaches what life was like in during the Ice Age from a Biblical perspective. Both my my boys absolutely loved it. One of the projects we completed was making cave art. Even though this project takes 2 days from start to finish, it is super easy and inexpensive. Let’s jump into how to make cave art for kids!

life in the great ice age
Version 1.0.0

Gather Your Supplies

How to Make Cave Art

Day 1

First, you’re going to cut the front or back section from a paper bag. If you don’t have a paper bag, use white construction paper. This will be your cave wall.

Next, crumple and uncrumple the paper, working it with your hands until it feels soft.

Then, fill a bowl with several inches of water. Dip a tea bag in the water or add coffee grounds to give the water a brown color.

Next, dip your paper in the water. Then, hold it gently over the bowl, letting the excess water drip back into the bowl.

Last, lay your paper flat to dry. Save the paper for Day 2.

Day 2

Take out the paper that you saved from your cave wall on Day 1. Choose what you will be painting on your cave walls.

First, lightly sketch the outline of your drawing in pencil.

Then, use a permanent black marker or black paint to outline your sketch.

Last, finish painting your cave design. Lay your painting flat to dry.

How to Make Cave Art

Unleash your child's creativity with our guide on making cave art! Explore fun techniques, materials, and tips for a hands-on artistic adventure.
Prep Time2 days
Active Time15 minutes



Day 1

  • First, you’re going to cut the front or back section from a paper bag. If you don’t have a paper bag, use white construction paper. This will be your cave wall.
  • Next, crumple and uncrumple the paper, working it with your hands until it feels soft.
  • Then, fill a bowl with several inches of water. Dip a tea bag in the water or add coffee grounds to give the water a brown color.
  • Next, dip your paper in the water. Then, hold it gently over the bowl, letting the excess water drip back into the bowl.
  • Last, lay your paper flat to dry. Save the paper for Day 2.

Day 2

  • Take out the paper that you saved from your cave wall on Day 1. Choose what you will be painting on your cave walls.
  • First, lightly sketch the outline of your drawing in pencil.
  • Then, use a permanent black marker or black paint to outline your sketch.
  • Last, finish painting your cave design. Lay your painting flat to dry.

There you have it! How to make cave arts for kids. Have you ever made cave art in your homeschool? Let me know down in the comments below!

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