Discover engaging homeschool science experiments that inspire curiosity and learning. Explore hands-on activities designed to enhance your child’s education at home.

Homeschool Science Experiments: A Fun and Engaging Approach to Learning
If there is one thing my children and I love, it is hands-on learning and projects. Science experiments are a must in our house! Not all are created equal though! Some require extensive and expensive kits. Others never seem to work out. That’s why I have created a round up of some of the best homeschool science experiments you can use in your homeschool!
Exposing Elements to Fire Experiment

In this “colorful” experiment, you will safely observe what happens when salt and salt substitute are exposed to a flame. Uses a few materials you likely already have at home!
Endothermic Chemical Reactions

Is it possible to make a glass of water cooler without adding ice to it or putting it in the refrigerator? In this activity students learn about endothermic chemical reactions. They will learn about solutes, solutions, chemical reactions, and dependent and independent variables.
Fun DIY Bath Bomb Science Experiment

However you choose to enjoy this activity, your kids are sure to have a blast while also learning a lot about catalysts, acids, bases, and more.
Rock Candy Science Experiment

Are your kids looking for a fun indoor activity that couples the wonders of science with the joys of eating? A DIY rock candy science experiment might be for you!
DIY Solar Oven Smores

This project is easy, fun, and perfect for preschool through middle school. Older kids could design their own boxes, or conduct scientific experiments by varying factors like the box size, oven door size, construction paper color, cooking time, outside temperature, etc.
Walking Water Experiment

Walking water experiment is one of the best color changing experiments for kids – fun, easy to do, and you’ve already got all the supplies. Check out this easy DIY version – your kids will love it!
Color Swirling Milk Experiment

This is such a fun way to explore kitchen science and how dish soap works! You need only 4 things to make color swirling milk!
Easy Rain Cloud Experiment for Kids

Get your kids excited about the weather with this Easy Rain Cloud Experiment for Kids & FREE Printable.
How To Make Borax Crystals

Learn how to grow crystals with borax fast! Grow borax crystals overnight for a cool science experiment any rockhound or science enthusiast will love!
Grow Sulfur Loving Bacteria

Looking for an easy science experiment for kids to teach them to love STEM classes? Learn how to build a Winogradsky column and grow sulfur-loving bacteria with your children!
Ocean Pollution Clean Up Science Activity

Help kids explore the importance of ocean pollution with this clean up sensory science activity!
Glitter Germy Hands Experiment

This germy hands experiment is a fun way to teach kids good habits to help keep them healthier during cold and flu season.
Baking Soda and Vinegar Rainbow Science

This classic baking soda and vinegar science for preschoolers is always so much fun to do with the kids.
Color Changing Flowers Science Experiment

This color changing flowers science experiment for kids is such a fun science project. Whether you are looking for easy science experiments for preschoolers or for older kids this fun science experiment is perfect.
Why Do Pine Cones Open and Close?

In this pinecone experiment, children will learn to observe and record as they learn why pinecones open and close. The best part is everything you need for this science experiment is probably right in your own back yard!
Skittles Experiment

Create a colorful rainbow pattern or make a flower in this easy to do skittles experiment! Kids will love seeing the dye from the skittles move when you add water.
Lego Parachute Coffee Filter Activity

Turn this fun coffee filter craft into an awesome coffee filter activity by attaching Lego figures to your homemade parachutes.
Build a Simple Electromagnetic Train

Here is an interesting project for kids that explores both electricity and magnetism – build a simple electromagnetic train! This is perfect for upper elementary and middle school!
Wingardium Leviosa Experiment

Try tackling the infamous spell Wingardium Leviosa, the levitation spell that makes things fly. In the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, there is a great scene where the young wizards are learning this spell in first year charms class using feathers.
Cardboard Box Magnetic Pac-Man Game

Here’s a fun craft for kids – build a classic Pac-Man game out of a cardboard box! This game has a cool magnetic twist – kids can “play” the game by moving the game pieces with a magnet wand.