Grab our free template to create your very own easy President’s Day craft for kids! A fun, engaging project that will make learning about the holiday enjoyable and memorable.

Transforming History: A Fun President’s Day Craft for Kids
My children and I love incorporating holidays into our homeschool. We usually take the day off from our regular curriculum and replace it with fun holiday crafts and activities. President’s Day is a perfect time for all things social studies. From history to geography, there are so many elements we can learn about.
One of our favorite things to do is hands-on projects in learning. This adorable Abraham Lincoln craft for kids will not take a lot of time. It is perfect for young learners. Even my older boys enjoy getting creative with these types of projects.
From History to Craft: Building an Abraham Lincoln Hat
As I said, this craft is super simple. We are building a hat and beard for your little Abe Lincoln. The best part is it uses very minimal supplies, most of which you already have on hand! Here’s what you’ll need:
- Our free template
- Paper plate
- Crayons or construction paper
- a popsicle or other thick craft stick
How to create your easy President’s Day craft for kids:
You will simply download and print our free template.
Next, you’re going to either have your kids color the hat and cut it out.
You could also use it as a template. If you want to use it on a template, simply cut the hat and beard out. Trace them onto black construction paper with a white crayon or colored pencil. Then cut the hat and beard from the black construction paper.
Then, they’re going to gently bend the paper plate in half. Once you bend it in half, they’re going to cut a small slit. This will allow them to get their scissors in. They’re going to cut the middle out of the paper plate, so the rim edge is all that’s left.
Finally, they will glue their hat and beard to the paper plate. Try it on your child first to see the best placement.
That’s it! They have an adorable Abraham Lincoln hat and beard. These are perfect for photo opportunities or can be used to make history come alive!
Download your free President’s Day craft for kids template:
Click here or the image below:
Want more President’s Day fun?
Easy and Adorable Abraham Lincoln Craft for Kids
The Best President’s Day Activities to Unlock Learning
The Best President’s Day Books for Kids to Unlock History
Need a President’s Day Unit Study?
Check out the unit study from our affiliate, Rabbit Trails Homeschool! Use code “kelsey” to get 10% off!