Unleash the power of outdoor play! Find engaging activities, expert advice, and inspiration to encourage children to explore, learn, and thrive in nature.

The Importance of Outdoor Play for Child Development
Outdoor play has been declining for years. With more kids turning to video games and iPads than riding bikes and climbing trees, you may be wondering, why is outdoor play so important? Today, we will explore why outdoor play is so beneficial and fun ways to get your family outside!
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children play outside as much as possible. They even urge doctors to prescribe playtime as part of wellness visits. Many families with preschool children don’t go outside to walk or play on a regular basis. Help your family enjoy greater happiness and health. Learn more about the benefits of outdoor play and how to integrate it into your daily life.
Benefits of Outdoor Play
Increase physical activity
Children move faster and burn more calories when they’re outdoors. They also form habits that can help them manage their weight and reduce their risk for heart disease and other conditions linked to sedentary lifestyles. These habits can support strong health throughout their lifetime.
Promote learning
Research shows that children are more attentive after recess. Playing outside sharpens thinking by providing sensory input that helps link body and mind. As homeschoolers, we can utilize time outdoors more often than those in public school. We can even take our curriculum outside!
Connect with nature
Green spaces give us energy and brighten our mood. As your child builds their self-esteem and confidence, they may also become more interested in protecting the environment. It also creates amazing opportunities for children to learn more about the living things and environments around them.
The Best Nature Crafts for Kids to Unlock Learning
Make friends
Any unstructured playtime is an opportunity for your child to practice their social skills and interact with their peers. They learn how to share and negotiate. My children absolutely love playing outside with children in our neighborhood. They have formed deep friendships and bonds.
Manage stress
Like adults, being outdoor play helps children to relieve stress. It has also been shown to reduce anxiety and depression.
Health Benefits
Outdoor play has many health benefits. Aside from just mental and physical, it has been shown to boost immunity. Sunlight helps the body produce Vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and neurological development. Vitamin D is one of the top vitamins that children are nutrient deficient in.
Our Favorite Outdoor Play Toys
There are many toys we love playing with outside, but we also enjoy just being outside and making our own fun! Don’t feel like you need a bunch of toys to go outside and enjoy nature. We tend to buy these second hand or on sale to save money! Here are a few of our favorites if you need some ideas:
Ride On Toys

Creative Play

Water Play
Active Play

Outdoor Play Activities for the Whole Family
- Camping
- Swimming
- Taking a Walk
- Scavenger Hunt
- Playing at the Park
- Outdoor Picnic
- Fishing
- Hiking
- Going to the Beach
- Sprinkler Play
- Catch fireflies
- Plant a tree
- Stargaze
- Garden
- Roll down a hill
- Play a game (like Red Rover or Tag)
- Make a fort
- Play in the mud
- Dance in the rain
- Play in the snow
- Water balloon fight
- Have a cookout
- Climb a tree
- Bike Ride
- Play Frisbee
- Feed the birds
- Visit a farm
- Play Flashlight hide and seek at night
- Go geocaching
- Go to an outdoor sports game
- Wash the car
- Make a fairy garden
- Do an outdoor science experiment
- Skip rocks
- Walk the dog
- Draw with chalk
- Jump Rope
Outdoor play is essential for your child’s physical, mental, and social development. Spend more time outdoors, where your family can connect with nature and each other.